Thursday, April 29, 2010

House Hunters International

This episode of House Hunters International featured a man, named Ira Leifer, searching for a large country home in the French countryside. His real estate agent Matthew Barry showed him two country houses and one town house. They showed the various, gorgeous aspects of each house and weighed the pros and cons. Although Ira had his heart set on a country home, he ended up choosing my favorite house, the house in the city. He said “I’m excited about leaving the United States, I’ll miss my friends, I’ll miss my family, obviously but this is a new beginning for me”, and I enjoyed watching him reach his dream.

I enjoyed this episode immensely because I’ve always loved the look of the wonderful old French homes. I wish he had been looking for a small apartment in the city, because that is what I would want if I were to move to France, but it was still informative about the house buying process in France. And the fact that he was looking for such a large house made it a bit difficult to see what it would be like for myself, because we are looking for such different things. But it did give me a taste for what houses in France consist of and provide a general understanding of what they are.

"House Hunters International." Scripts Networks, 2010. Web. 15 Apr 2010. .
link to video:

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